Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bargain Hunting Bliss - Barrett Street Antiques

If you have taken a peek in the Inspiration Room lately you will know I am kinda into vintage scales right now.  I have been looking for a green kitchen scale for a couple of months. Well yesterday was my lucky day, because I finally found her.  A 1955 Landers, Frary, and Clark apple green scale! I found this little treasure at one of my favorite places in the area - Barrett Street Antiques.  

I did a little research on my scale and it turns out that it carries quiet a bit of history.  This particular American company was one of the first to introduce small kitchen scales (and other small appliances) into the household.  Part of their advertisement campaign was to design "universal household items with the American housewife in mind" (White, 1952).  How funny is that? Well, this little scale certainly has a place in this domestically challenged housewife's home!

My mom and I have been planning this little outing for about a week, and I woke up yesterday morning feeling like it was Christmas day. I was giddy with excitement! I packed up MW, took a slight detour to pick up my mom, then headed off to bargain hunting bliss.  For those of you unfamiliar with this little slice of heaven, Barrett Street Antiques is right off I-264 headed toward Virginia Beach.  You take the second Lynnhaven exit, and a right at the 7-11.  You can't miss it! It is a huge warehouse full of the yesteryear.  

My husband and I stumbled upon this antique mecca a few years ago when we first got married and barely had a piece of furniture to our name.  We also purchased MW's nursery furniture here...both the dresser and cabinet for under $250. It has been one of my favorite places to browse, buy, and gather inspiration ever since.  

I am going to share with you a few highlights from today (other than my green scale which takes the blue ribbon prize).

The first vendor that grabbed my attention had racks of hand carved decoys (along with old phones...weird?).  Some were old and used, others brand new, but each decoy was beautifully made. I had a fit for this white swan...still might go back!  I can just picture her sitting on the fireplace hearth. 

Next was a vintage bouncy horse that MW fell in love with! At a mere $35 we almost came home with a red pony.  However, I can honestly say that there is not enough room to stable her in our home.  Oh well, we'll hold out for the real thing! 

Check out that cool chicken coop behind us!
Moving "next door" was a vendor with vintage maps and photographs.  I thought this particular photograph was quite stunning.  My incredibly artistic and inspirational sister-in-law has a similar photograph in the hallway of her home, and it looks fabulous.  These photos fill long, narrow spaces beautifully! 

Down the aisle we stumbled upon a vintage wicker baby carriage.  I just love these for some reason.  They are neither safe nor practical, but just perfect for a photo prop.  MW is always ready for a photo little ham! 

As we rounded the corner, still laughing about MW's love for the camera, I saw something shimmering in the distance. Could it be...a booth with...vintage scales? I made a dash to the booth and reveled in measurement glory. I liked the two large scales, but they were just too big and too expensive, so I kept digging around, and that's when I finally found what I have been looking little green kitchen scale!! Whoohoo! The price and color were perfect! I did a cheer and little dance.  My mom and daughter both looked at me like I lost my mind...perhaps I have! 

The last thing that really caught my eye was a vintage croquet set.  Mom almost took the set home with her, but decided that she needed a set that was a little more functional.  This one had seen better days and  was more for looks than use.

All in all it was a great shopping day at Barretts...although it has never been anything less! I'm going to be honest.  I'd rather have a couple hours browsing through Barrett Street than a day at the spa.  No kidding.  It is pure enjoyment for me.  I am already thinking about when I can return...hey, Mom, what are you doing next Wednesday? 

1 comment:

  1. The J.Crew dress on my blog sale is still available. Just email me at with your paypal email, and I'll be happy to send you an invoice. Thanks!
